Life on Earth is unpredictable just like the weather. One day it’s nice and sunny outside and the next day you might be stuck in the middle of a storm. There are trained weather experts who can predict the changes in weather and inform us ahead of time so that we can be prepared for […]
Month: September 2021
The spirit is willing but the body is weak!
In Matthew 26:36-46, we learn about the betrayal of Jesus by one of his own disciples, Judas. Right before his betrayal, Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane praying. With him in the garden were three of his closest disciples Peter, James, and John. Jesus had given them strict instructions to keep watch because He […]
You are unique for a reason!
There are around 7 billion people in this world. Out of these 7 billion people, there is not one single person in the world that looks like you. Sure there are look-alikes and doppelgangers and twins but if you look closely you will find out that they are still a little bit different from each […]
Working for God and not for man.
Labor day is a holiday that honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country. In short, it celebrates all people that work to make a living and their contributions to society. The bible talks a lot about working for a living. […]