mothers love

A mother’s love is a reflection of God’s love!

If you were lucky enough to have a loving mother in your life then you know that a mother’s love is unconditional. Mothers everywhere put the needs of their children above their own needs. How often have you seen mothers working around the clock to make sure their children are taken care of and loved?

Think of all the times your mother took care of you when you were growing up. When you were sick she cared for you. When you needed help with a school project she assisted you. When you were hungry she fed you. When you fell down and injured yourself she took care of you. I personally cannot remember a single time in my life when I needed my mother and she was not there for me. Even though some of us are grown up now and have our own children, our mothers are still ready to help us when we need it. What is it that makes mothers go above and beyond in caring for the needs of their children?

Isaiah 49:15 says “Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?” The love that a mother has for her children is forged from birth. From the time you were born, you have a special connection with your mother. God formed you inside your mother’s womb for a reason. He knew that your mother will take care of you unconditionally for as long as she can. She was built by God with a special purpose to love you no matter what.

Jesus himself had a special bond with his mother. Most of us forget that one of the ten commandments is to honor our mother and our father. Jesus did exactly that. To honor your mother and also your father is to also take care of them and their needs when they get older. Even when Jesus was dying on the cross, He wanted to make sure his mother was taken care of after He was gone so He gave John the responsibility of taking care of her.  By entrusting Mary to John’s care, Jesus was fulfilling His responsibility as a son.

The way a mother loves their children is the same way God loves you. Isaiah 66:13: says “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” We have all felt the comforting love of our mothers in our lives and God says He will comfort you in the same way. God also wants us to love others the same way a mother loves their own children.

A mother’s love is a perfect reflection of God’s love for us. Jesus himself experienced the unconditional love of his mother and He has entrusted mothers everywhere to be a perfect reflection of God’s love for his children. Mothers are special and they have a unique calling from God to love their children as God loves them. Take care of your mothers and honor them no matter how old they are and remember that God loves you the same way your mother loves you and then some more.