Peace in the midst of Chaos!

The dictionary defines the word Chaos as “complete disorder and confusion“. Have you ever felt like this word aptly describes your life at certain times? Our lives are in a state of complete disorder and confusion sometimes and we don’t always know how to deal with these situations when they happen. As long as you […]

Unity in the Church Body

The Bible calls all believers to live together in unity and also worship together in unity in the Church. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be […]

God holds your future!

The dictionary defines the word future as “the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.” Most of us do not know what is yet to come in the future and we largely hope that the future turns out the way we want.  The […]

How to Pray?

The Bible talks a lot about praying and Christians and pastors always stress the need for prayer. But how does one pray? Is there a manual on how to pray somewhere? As always the answer is in the bible and Jesus himself talks about prayer and how to pray clearly in the bible. Ever heard […]

The significance of Palm Sunday

On Sunday, April 2nd, Christians all over the world will celebrate Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates an event in the bible where  Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey and was greeted by the people waving palm branches. Palm Sunday is also the last Sunday of the month before Easter. This event is recorded in […]

Facing trials with Joy!

The Christian life is not easy and nowhere does it say in the bible that after you accept Jesus Christ into your life that the rest of your life will be fine and dandy. In fact, Jesus himself said in John 16:33 “In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the […]

What is true revival?

The recent events at Asbury University have led to everyone in the Christian community talking about revival.  What is revival? Is there such a thing as a revival? Is the revival at Asbury real? These are all questions that everyone is asking. As always we need to turn to the bible for answers. To understand […]

Seek and ye shall find!

If you have ever lost your wallet then you know how frustrating the process is as you try to locate it. Your wallet is something that contains information on your identity and other valuable items that you usually have in your possession at all times. So when you sudden;y lose your wallet, it feels like […]