Daniel in lions den

Deliverance from the Pit!

Daniel had established himself as one of the administrators in King Darius’s court. There was a law in the land that for thirty days only requests can be made of the King and not from any other God. When Daniels’s enemies found out that he was praying to God they went and told the king who reluctantly had to sentence Daniel to the lion’s den for breaking the law.

In Daniel 6 we see the story unfold. The king because He liked Daniel told him, “May your God, whom you serve so loyally, rescue you. At dawn, the king got up and hurried to the pit.  He called out “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was the God you serve so loyally able to save you from the lions?” Daniel answered, “May Your Majesty live forever! God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me. He did this because he knew that I was innocent and because I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.” The king was overjoyed and gave orders for Daniel to be pulled up out of the pit. The King also signed a decree saying that everyone In the kingdom must fear any may reverence the God of Daniel.

God miraculously saved Daniel from the pit of hungry lions. The situation might have seemed hopeless for Daniel but God showed up and saved him from the pit and delivered him. His enemies thought he was finished but God had other plans. Deuteronomy 31:8 says that “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” This is exactly what happened to Daniel, God went before him and shut the mouth of the lions.

You might not literally be in a pit of lions like Daniel but you might be in some kind of pit right now in your life. This story is a reminder that all is not lost to those who trust in the Lord. Just like God delivered Daniel from the mouth of the lions he can rescue you from whatever pit you might be in if you only put your trust in him.  Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Nothing in your life is too big for our Lord to overcome. Jesus said in Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for one who believes.” The bible has multiple examples of people being delivered right before they felt that all was lost. Job for example had lost all his family and everything he owned but he still never stopped believing in God. In the end, God delivered him and restored double what he had lost. Nothing is impossible for our God so let us put our trust in him and he will deliver us from whatever impossible pit we are in.