
Thank God for Mothers everywhere!

This Mothers Day, I was trying my best to come up with one word that summarizes what comes to mind when I think of my mother, and after much thought the word that came to mind was comfort. The dictionary defines the word comfort as a “state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.” This is an apt definition of what comes to mind when I think of my relationship with my Mother and probably most people feel the same way. If you were lucky enough to have a praying, Christian mother in your life then your mother has been nothing but a rock of comfort throughout your life.

Your mother is someone who comforts you and makes you feel better every day of your life. If you look back at your life and your childhood you will notice that your Christian mother was always at your side when you needed comfort. When you were hungry she fed you. When you were sad and in tears, she hugged you. When you were in trouble she prayed for you. When you needed someone to talk to she was there. When you needed help with anything in your life she was there.  She often sacrificed her own needs to take care of her children’s needs. Your Christian mother has always been a constant source of support in your life.

Perhaps the biggest compliment that God could give to mothers everywhere is in Isaiah 66:13: “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” God compares the love and comfort that He will provide to the love and comfort provided by a mother. This tells you clearly what God thinks that a mother’s role should be to her children and that is one of a comforter. He has created all mothers everywhere with a purpose in mind to be a comforter to their children. Isaiah 49:15 also says “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!”.  The Lord God compares his never failing love to that of a mother who never forgets about their children. This Mother’s Day let us all pray for our Christian mothers who sacrificed everything and loved us unconditionally all these years. Happy Mother’s Day!